Congruity HR NHRA Pro Mod Drag Racing Series Points
Drivers competing in the Congruity NHRA Pro Mod Drag Racing Series presented will earn championship points at each of the 10 NHRA national events at which they compete. The points will be accumulated throughout the year, and an annual champion will be crowned in the series at the conclusion of the season.
Contestants will compete to secure a position in the Road to the Championship starting in Gainesville and concluding in Richmond based on total points earned at each NHRA national event.
Winner | 100 | Winner | 150 |
Runner-up | 80 | Runner-up | 120 |
Third-round loser | 60 | Third-round loser | 90 |
Second-round loser | 40 | Second-round loser | 60 |
First-round loser | 20 | First-round loser | 30 |
Additional points are awarded as follows:
10 points to all contestants (15 in Richmond) — one qualifying attempt required.
Performance bonus points are awarded based on the average e.t. at the conclusion qualifying as follows:
NATIONAL EVENTS (except Richmond) | RICHMOND | ||
Average Low e.t. | 3 | Average Low e.t. | 4 |
Average Second-quickest | 2 | Average Second-quickest | 3 |
Average Third-quickest | 1 | Average Third-quickest | 2 |
Average Fourth-quickest | 1 |
- Performance bonus points will not be awarded if there are no qualifying sessions available.
- If any qualifying session is unable to be completed, that session will not apply to average.
- Incomplete runs will result in a 28.000 ET for that qualifying session (must stage vehicle to be considered a valid qualifying attempt).
- Not making a valid qualifying attempt will result in a 32.000 ET for that qualifying session.
- Any disqualification, for example, failed fuel check, weight violation, centerline violation, etc. will result in a 32.000 ET for that qualifying session.
- If your competitor’s centerline violation affects your ET (timing cone knocked out), the run will result in a 0.00 ET and not count toward the qualifying ET average.
Bonus Point Tie-Breaker Method:
As this program is based solely on qualifying, the tie breaker methods are determined on qualifying performance – not elimination racing. If a tie exists at the end of qualifying for average low elapsed time, it shall be resolved as follows. If, after one is followed a tie still remains, additional steps are to be followed until the tie is broken.
1. Driver with the best average mph for qualifying wins the tie.
2. At the conclusion of qualifying, the driver with the highest qualifying position for the event wins the tie.
Qualifying positions earn points as follows:
NATIONAL EVENTS (except Richmond) | RICHMOND | ||
1st | 8 | 1st | 10 |
2nd | 7 | 2nd | 9 |
3rd | 6 | 3rd | 8 |
4th | 5 | 4th | 7 |
5th & 6th | 4 | 5th & 6th | 6 |
7th & 8th | 3 | 7th & 8th | 5 |
9th through 12th | 2 | 9th through 12th | 4 |
13th through 16th | 1 | 13th through 16th | 3 |
Qualifying points WILL NOT be awarded at events where the entire 16-car field is determined by points standings.
In the regular season, contestants earn points to secure a position within the Road to the Championship. Contestants can secure a position within the Road to the Championship under the following criteria:
1. Earn enough points to secure a spot within the top 10 after the Richmond event.
2. Events with three scheduled qualifying sessions competitors must run a minimum of 2 qualifying sessions at each event.
3. Events with four scheduled qualifying sessions competitors must run a minimum of 3 qualifying sessions at each event.
- If unable to complete one qualifying session in its entirety within the originally scheduled event date(s), the event will count towards the number of events listed above for each category. Vehicle must be on-site and a completed tech card must be submitted to NHRA to count the event towards the total number of events listed above.
- If unable to complete two qualifying sessions within the originally scheduled event date(s), a participant must make one valid qualifying attempt or vehicle must be onsite and submit a completed tech card to NHRA for the event to count towards the total number of events listed above.
- If unable to complete three qualifying sessions within the originally scheduled event date(s), participants must make two valid two qualifying attempts for the event to count towards the total number of events listed above.
- If unable to initiate/start any qualifying sessions within the originally scheduled event date(s), the event will not count towards the number of events listed above for each category. For example, the first qualifying session occurs on Monday following the event.
The contestants who have secured a position in the Road to the Championship will have their Congruity NHRA Pro Mod Drag Racing Series points adjusted after the Richmond event. First and second place will be separated by 20 points while each position second through tenth place will be separated by 5 points.
First Place | 800 points | Sixth Place | 760 points |
Second Place | 780 points | Seventh Place | 755 points |
Third Place | 775 points | Eight Place | 750 points |
Fourth Place | 770 points | Ninth Place | 745 points |
Fifth Place | 765 points | Tenth Place | 740 points |
Contestants who have secured a spot in the Road to the Championship outside the Top 10 will have their points adjusted, for example, 11th place will be 735, and 12th place will be 730. 5 points will separate each position for each racer securing a spot in the Road to the Championship.
During the Road to the Championship, contestants will compete for the Congruity NHRA Pro Mod Drag Racing Series world championship title starting in Indianapolis and concluding at Las Vegas (Fall).
Winner | 100 | Winner | 150 |
Runner-up | 80 | Runner-up | 120 |
Third-round loser | 60 | Third-round loser | 90 |
Second-round loser | 40 | Second-round loser | 60 |
First-round loser | 20 | First-round loser | 30 |
Additional points are awarded at national events as follows:
10 points to all contestants (15 at Las Vegas 2) — one qualifying attempt is required.
Performance bonus points are awarded based on the average ET at the conclusion of qualifying as follows:
National Events (except Fall Las Vegas event) | LAS VEGAS (Fall) POINTS STRUCTURE | ||
Average Low e.t. | 3 | Average Low e.t. | 4 |
Average Second-quickest | 2 | Average Second-quickest | 3 |
Average Third-quickest | 1 | Average Third-quickest | 2 |
Average Fourth-quickest | 1 |
- Performance bonus points WILL NOT be awarded if there are no qualifying sessions available.
- If any qualifying session is unable to be completed, times recorded up to cancellation of that session will not be applied toward average qualifying ET.
- Incomplete runs will result in a 28.000 ET for that qualifying session (must stage vehicle to be considered a valid qualifying attempt).
- Not making a valid qualifying attempt will result in a 32.000 ET for that qualifying session.
- Any disqualification, for example, failed fuel check, weight violation, centerline violation, etc. will result in a 32.000 ET for that qualifying session.
- If your competitor’s centerline violation affects your ET (timing cone knocked out), the run will result in a 0.00 ET and not count toward the qualifying ET average.
Bonus Point Tie-Breaker Method:
As this program is based solely on qualifying, the tiebreaker methods are determined on qualifying performance – not elimination racing. If a tie exists at the end of qualifying for average low elapsed time, it shall be resolved as follows. If, after one is followed a tie still remains, additional steps are to be followed until the tie is broken.
1. Driver with the best average M.P.H for qualifying wins the tie.
2. At the conclusion of qualifying, the driver with the highest qualifying position for the event wins the tie.
Qualifying positions earn points as follows:
NATIONAL EVENTS (except (Fall) Las Vegas event) | LAS VEGAS (Fall) | ||
1st | 8 | 1st | 10 |
2nd | 7 | 2nd | 9 |
3rd | 6 | 3rd | 8 |
4th | 5 | 4th | 7 |
5th & 6th | 4 | 5th & 6th | 6 |
7th & 8th | 3 | 7th & 8th | 5 |
9th through 12th | 2 | 9th through 12th | 4 |
13th through 16th | 1 | 13th through 16th | 3 |
TIE BREAKER METHOD (applies for both Regular Season and Road to the Championship)
If a tie exists (for any of the Top Ten positions) at the conclusion of the Congruity NHRA Pro Mod Drag Racing Series regular season or Road to the Championship, it shall be resolved as follows. If, after step one is followed a tie remains, additional steps are to be followed until tie is broken.
1. Driver with most “head-to-head” victories wins tie.
2. Driver with most rounds won wins tie.
3. Driver with quickest average of their eight best qualifying elapsed times wins tie. Should a tie still exist, average of qualifying speeds will be used.
Series Logo Requirements/Placement
All PM vehicles participating in Congruity NHRA Pro Mod Drag Racing Series events must prominently display the official Series logo as supplied by NHRA, to be eligible for competition. Logos must be properly displayed on both sides of the race vehicle to enter a National Event, to pass technical inspection, and to make any runs. Logos must continue to be properly displayed at all times during the conduct of any National Event. If a run is inadvertently allowed without proper logo usage, points may be withheld from any driver who fails to display the logos as required and all other penalties for rule violations shall also apply, including disqualification of any run, during qualifying or eliminations, made without displaying the logos required.